Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Introducing . . . ICEKID . . . the latest superhero to join the Marvel Universe, whose namesake is the legendary IceMan of X-Men fame!  

His superhuman power is staying icy "cool" in extremely stressful and scary situations.  

The other superheroes have had to pick up the slack in the universe somewhat recently as . . . almost two months to the day after a major spine surgery . . . IceKid underwent his SECOND major orthopedic surgery of the summer at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Children's Hospital in Baltimore, MD.  

In the capable hands of his amazing surgeon, this kid recently had the first of what will be several planned procedures on his legs and feet to help straighten them out and provide a better base of support for his wiry superhero frame.  

Most teenagers would lament the summer lost to either having surgeries or recovering from them, but true to form this kid has been upbeat and uncomplaining throughout.

To speed up his recovery, IceKid has been using the latest technology to keep his legs at a cool 45 degrees.  This "IceMan" machine (see photo below) is a unique "cold therapy" system that recirculates cold ice water from the cooler through thin pads that are ace bandaged around his knees.  No more leaky ziploc bags of ice water!  

Special message from IceKid himself:  "Carpe diem, and enjoy the last month of summer!!!"


  1. Wishing for a speedy recovery for the ICEKID. Hope you are back to feeling Super real soon. =)
