Nearby Alexandria has a rich Scottish history that it celebrates each year with a weekend of activities in early December, including its Scottish Christmas Walk and Parade. We missed it last year, but the First Virginia Regiment was participating in the festivities this year so we had definite plans to attend.
Random fun fact for our Dundee, Oregon friends: Alexandria's sister city is Dundee, Scotland!
It was a gorgeous day for a parade, and we watched in amazement as clan after clan passed by in their traditional tartans. Who doesn't like seeing men in kilts and listening to the nasally honking of a good tune on the bagpipes? ;) The pictures and video below will give you the flavor.

At the conclusion of the parade, the First Virginia Regiment began its reenactment of "A Soldier's Christmas" at the Carlyle House. (We have a blog post from earlier this year giving more information about this beautiful historic house. See )
The soldiers in the regiment were depicting what life would have been like for a Revolutionary-War era soldier during Christmas time. They gathered around the fire and visited with passersby and also periodically formed up for drills and musket-firing demonstrations that rattled the windows of the historic buildings nearby.

A militia bagpiping group that had marched in the parade even played a few tunes in the soldier's encampment area when our own fife and drum corp was on a break.
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