We rolled into West Monroe, Louisiana at about 11:00 on Saturday (yesterday). To say we were tingling with excitement was an understatement. It was nothing short of a miracle that 2700+ miles later, with the Rusty Scupper in tow, we made it pretty much on time as planned.
Our first observation: West Monroe is MUCH bigger than the sleepy Louisiana burg A&E depicts in the Duck Dynasty TV show, as least as compared to our own Yamhill County. West Monroe itself has about 13,000 people and Monroe right across the river has about 49,000 people. It was big and urban and there was lots of traffic and people!
Our first stop for a mid-morning snack at Haskell's donuts (the scene of the famous donut-eating contest, for those of you who are fans of the show) did not disappoint. Owen was thrilled to sit on Jace's autographed stool. In addition to the sweet donuts, we got our first taste of what it feels like to be lavished with true southern hospitality and terms of respect and endearment (ma'am and sir, honey, baby, sweetie, baby doll).
Just a few hundred yards down the road, we saw a sign with the familiar flying duck logo. Our pilgrimage to the land of beards and camo was over . . . we made it!

We followed the signs into the building, hoping to be greeted by Uncle Si or Godwin even Willie Robertson himself. We had read online that visitors will sometimes get glimpses of Duck Dynasty royalty as they are entering or leaving the building.
Apparently they no longer do tours (too many visitors), but we spent quite a bit of time in the Duck Commander store, testing out duck calls, admiring the 40th anniversary largest duck call ever made, picking out souvenirs and watching expectantly each time the overhead door to the warehouse side was lifted up for staff to bring merchandise through, just in case we caught a glimpse of a familiar face. Owen thought he saw a glimpse of Jace walking to the office, but the rest of us are unsure.

Our hearts were happy and our shopping bags were full as we left the Duck Commander/Buck Commander HQ!
We had some fine Cajun-inspired cuisine at Willie's Duck Diner (gumbo, jambalaya and red beans, sausage and rice). Then we spent the rest of the day taking in other sites from the show (White's Ferry Road Church of Christ, Debbie's Snoballs, Danken Trail BBQ, Excalibur Family Fun Center (what a zoo!) and even Landry Vineyards!
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